Green Sea Turtles and the San Gabriel River
Education > Earth Science
Start Time
: Wednesday, August 08, 2012 07:00 PM  PST
End Time
: Wednesday, August 08, 2012 08:30 PM  PST
: United States
: California
: Los Angeles


Lance Adams, Dan Lawson, Hugh & Pam Ryono

Endangered green sea turtles are regularly spotted near the mouth of the San Gabriel River in Long Beach. Since 2008 Aquarium volunteer and blogger Hugh Ryono, together with his wife Pam, has been conducting informal surveys of the turtles, observing the numbers of turtles in the area and assessing their size and health.

Ryono will share his latest photos during the lecture. Also, the Aquarium’s Veterinarian Dr. Lance Adams will share stories of his participation in rehabilitating and satellite-tagging injured sea turtles from the San Gabriel River.