Iowa Gold Star Futurity
Sports > Equestrian
Start Time
: Sunday, September 02, 2012 06:00 AM  CST
End Time
: Sunday, September 02, 2012 02:00 PM  CST
: United States
: Iowa
: Des Moines


There are horse shows and then there are horse shows! The Iowa Gold Star, in just a few short years, has managed to move itself into the second category—that is, the rarest of shows that Arabian horse enthusiasts put in pen on their calendars at the beginning of each show season. Yup, it’s that good.

This year’s show was no exception. With its “Golden Renaissance” theme, meals around the clock provided by generous sponsors, significant prize money, vendors, and an exciting stallion auction, exhibitors had plenty to do, see and enjoy. Besides all that, there was a brand new show arena for what organizers describe as one of the deepest fields of horses they’ve ever seen. Competitors have gotten the word about the Iowa Gold Star and came from as far away as Florida, Arizona, Texas and California. An international competitor from Uruguay was also in attendance, showing in the halter division.

Traditionally held over Labor Day weekend in conjunction with the Fall Classic Show, the Iowa Gold Star took place Thursday through Monday, September 1-5, this year. For those who have never been, mark your calendar for August 30 through September 3, 2012.

Iowa Gold Star