Using Analytical Tools to Gain Insight and Speed Up Numerical Analysis in MATLAB
Education > Computer Science
Start Time
: Tuesday, January 08, 2013 09:00 AM  EST
End Time
: Tuesday, January 08, 2013 10:00 AM  EST

This webinar is offered at the following date/time(s):
8 Jan 2013 9:00 AM EST
8 Jan 2013 2:00 PM EST

In this webinar, you will learn how to efficiently solve your engineering problems by combining symbolic with numeric computing.

Webinar highlights include learning how to:

  • Gain insights from an analytical model
  • Use optimal analytical solutions as a starting point for higher fidelity numerical analysis
  • Speed up numerical calculations with symbolic solutions

This hybrid computing approach will be demonstrated with two examples:

  • Robot arm inverse kinematics: Formulation, solution and visualization in a Notebook and direct integration of results in MATLAB.
  • Optimizing energy consumption of BLOODHOUND Rocket car: Formulation, exploration, and solution in a Notebook and direct integration and optimization of results in MATLAB.

Please allow approximately 60 minutes to attend the presentation and Q&A session.

About the Presenter: Deepak Ramaswamy is a Technical Marketing Manager at MathWorks. Previous roles include software development in financial derivatives and management in circuit and system simulation areas. He holds a PhD from MIT and MBA from Cornell University.