American Hero Jam
Entertainment & Arts > Musical Performances
Start Time
: Sunday, March 04, 2012 05:00 PM  CST
End Time
: Sunday, March 04, 2012 08:00 PM  CST
: United States
: Oklahoma
: Tulsa


American Hero Jam is a music jam benefiting our veterans. Every Sunday, American Hero Jam features various local and regional musicians and other types of talent.

Our veterans and current active duty soldiers are watching this live webcast, so come out and give a shout-out on camera!

All proceeds go to the V.A. hospital in Memphis. Though the V.A. hospital is a government funded facility, they only provide basic needs and medical care. American Hero Jam in conjunction with Eagle's Nest is raising money to provide luxuries for our wounded soldiers.

Eagle's Nest has already donated tens of thousands of dollars to the V.A. hospital over the past 6 years.

Please help us support this cause. Come out to Bobbisox on Sundays for the live show or watch the live webcast. Please help spread the word. Together we can make a difference to those who have fought and are fighting to protect our freedom.

American Hero