Red Bull Crashed Ice: Quebec City Ice Cross Downhill Action in Canada
Start Time
: Saturday, March 16, 2013 04:15 PM  PST
End Time
: Saturday, March 16, 2013 07:00 PM  PST
: Canada
: Quebec

The sport of ice cross downhill returns to Quebec City for the eagerly-anticipated Red Bull Crashed Ice World Championship final on Saturday, March 16. Featuring ice hockey players in full gear racing four-at-a-time down specially-designed tracks, measuring up to 500 metres in length, Red Bull Crashed Ice is the fastest sport on skates, with the riders reaching speeds of up to 70kph. Ice cross downhill has become a fixture in Quebec’s old town in recent years with the event in 2012 attracting in excess of 100,000 spectators! If you can’t be there yourself, the next best place to be is right here, watching it LIVE on Red Bull TV!