Gamification Summit 2012
Start Time
: Wednesday, June 20, 2012 09:00 AM  PST
End Time
: Wednesday, June 20, 2012 06:30 PM  PST
: United States
: California
: San Francisco

The Gamification Summit brings together top thought leaders in game mechanics and engagement science for the first time. Hear what works and what doesn't in this dynamic and fast-moving field through case studies, workshops, keynotes and panels delivered by leaders in the gaming space. Attend Gamification Summit 2012 and learn how game mechanics and the new science of engagement are rewriting the rules of brand marketing, product design and customer acquisition and get your business in the game. 



9:00 am PDT Intro to GSummit
Gabe Zichermann, CEO of GamificationCo
9:10 am PDT KEYNOTE: Reinventing Loyalty: How Gamification Reshapes Consumer Marketing
Consumer behavior is changing. With the rise in market noise and complexity, so too must innovative brands change the way they market to those consumers. At the front line of these shifting sands are loyalty programs - the economic and behavioral engines for travel, retail and other major sectors. Find out how loyalty programs like United's industry-leading Mileage Plus program are reinventing the consumer relationship - online and off - and what's in store for major brands in our fun, consumer-centric future.

Krishnan Saranathan, Managing Director of MileagePlus at United Airlines
9:35 am PDT The Future of Gamification is Emotion
Games are a combination of goals, actions, motivations, and emotions. More than a quest for points and badges, games create their legendary engagement with specific emotional responses from player actions. In this talk I will share how game designers craft emotions from novelty, challenge, friendship, and meaning to create engagement, retention, and monetization. Free white paper and models on how to use emotion to create games with the Four Keys to Fun.

Nicole Lazzaro, President of XEO Design
10:00 am PDT Monopoly Academy: Winning the "Game" of No Child Left Behind through Gamification and Monopoly, the World's Most Famous Board Game
Gamification has "Monopolized" Tim Vandenberg's 6th grade classroom, as he has utilized the world's all-time best-selling board game brand (Monopoly) to inspire & motivate his students to conquer the "game"Â of No Child Left Behind. Learn how academic gamification inspires & motivates his socio-economically disadvantaged students to perform at world-class levels, both academically AND in actual Monopoly tournament play: his students have defeated both U.S. & World Champions multiple times in actual tournament matches and scored perfect scores on California State math examinations, all while setting district records on countless standardized tests! Come hear Tim's inspiring story, as featured in the multi-award winning documentary film "Under the Boardwalk", and learn how he uses Monopoly to motivate students to "Pass GO"and master key skills of mathematics, economics & social negotiation.

Tim Vandenberg, Teacher at Hesperia Unified School
11:00 am PDT Better Entrepeneurship with Gamification
Educating adults, and helping them achieve their full potential is the mission of The Founder Institute. It's the world's largest incubator/accelerator of startups, operating in dozens of cities around the world and giving thousands of aspiring founders the chance to birth their companies every year. Through the use of metrics and gamification, the Founder Institute has been able to increase performance, participation and outcomes - both among individuals and teams. Find out how these engagement techniques were pioneered and tested, and learn how to use gamification in your organization to drive autonomy, innovation, team performance and success.

Adeo Ressi, CEO of Founder Institute
11:25 am PDT Come for the Game, Stay for the Community: Building and Sustaining Lasting Engagement Online
OMGPOP is one of the most successful online game portals, bridging the gap between classic gamers and non-gamers, action players and casual, flirty friends. But turning short-interval play into long-term engagement isn't a given, even for a brilliant team of game-loving developers. Find out how OMGPOP used the lessons of community and gamification to build an enduring community, break records for engagement and time-on-site, and still keep the fun, light and social atmosphere so crucial to their audience. The lessons - and data-rich analysis - are sure to make a difference in your community development.

Dan Porter, CEO of OMGPOP
11:50 am PDT The Future Gamer Generation: What Lies Beneath
Daniel Brusilovsky is no ordinary young entrepreneur. As the founder of Teens in Tech, he's created a movement bringing young people together with thought leaders of all ages to foster understanding and opportunities for youth. Of course, games play a huge role in the culture of today's youth, and understanding how they think, play and interact around games is critical for anyone looking to market to, employ or design for today's young people. In this featured talk, Daniel shares his vision of how "Generation G" will be different from the kids that came before them, and what everyone needs to know to get the most out of this exciting group of rising superstars.

Daniel Brusilovsky, CEO of Teens in Tech Labs
12:05 pm PDT Solving Hard Problems with Gamification and Crowdsourcing
In 2011, the team behind Foldit - a crowd-work game developed at the University of Washington - made headlines for unlocking the secrets of a key protein in the fight against HIV. What had stumped scientists for 15 years was solved in 10 days by 40,000 people playing a game online. This talk will discuss the use of games as an architecture to put the combined power of humans and computers toward solving problems that neither could solve alone. Seth will provide both an analysis of the success (and early missteps) of Foldit, as well as a view of a future in which humans and machines, working together through gamification, will change the economics and outcomes for business, science, government and society.

Seth Cooper, Creative Director of Foldit
1:30 pm PDT Gamification Meets ROI: How to Design a Data-Driven Gamification Program
Badgeville Sponsored Session
Business leaders know that any technology investment must be supported with data to measure and prove success. In the new world of gamification, how can you design a successful program, which enables capture of actionable, data-based insights? Chris Duskin, Badgeville’s VP of Product and former Omniture product leader, will discuss how world-class businesses are using gamification to understand the health of their community based on user behavior. Learn how interaction design, level modeling, and reward mapping tie directly into the design of a sustainable, data-driven gamification program.

Chris Duskin, VP, Product of Badgeville
2:00 pm PDT Gaming for Good: Millennial Moms and Competitive Collaboration
Moms control more than the purse strings in most homes (5 trillion in annual spending) they also control the good works and, often, the gaming. Many a millennial mom relies upon gaming dynamics in managing their families' behavior. They are also active gamers themselves, and enjoy gaming the bottom line in their household investments. Get into the mom psyche with proprietary research from Recyclebank on moms as chief gaming officer of the household.

Samantha Skey, CRO of RecycleBank
2:25 pm PDT Wanda Meloni, Founder of M2 Research
Details coming soon
2:40 pm PDT Making the Second Screen Work: The Gamification of TV and Big Media
Bringing second (and third) screen interactions to TV is an arms race, and the stakes are getting higher by the day. But while television and other big media platforms continue to innovate and reimagine their businesses, consumers continue to express a clear preference: if we want to engage them, we have to gamify. In this frank and directional talk, trailblazer Jesse Redniss and Peter Blacker shares how NBC/Universal and Telemundo have radically reshaped consumer engagement with their brands, and how big media will change with (and because of) gamification in the coming years.

Jesse Redniss, SVP of NBC/Universal Digital and Peter Blacker, EVP of Telemundo Digital
3:05 pm PDT Gamifying Global Trading
Gamifying Global Trading: with an inventory of millions of unique items and a business spanning every industrialized country and much of the developing world, eBay has a huge data set with ripe for all sorts of playful experiences. Matt MacLaurin, lead of eBay’s EPIC design lab, will share some never-seen-before internal prototypes and concepts aimed at unlocking the massive engagement potential of this unique online property.

Matt MacLaurin, Senior Design Director of eBay
4:00 pm PDT Get Smarter: How to Design Your Life for Continuous Cognitive Enhancement
Is it possible to increase your intelligence? Absolutely. Do you need technology or cognitive enhancers to accomplish this? Absolutely not. Science shows us that the key to cognitive improvement is keeping your brain active and challenged, while making learning intrinsically rewarding. In this presentation, I will discuss my Five Principles of Cognitive Enhancement, which is a paradigm I developed over 10 years as a behavioral therapist, teaching children how to reach their maximum cognitive potential. I'll explain why fluid intelligence is important and how it can be improved, by designing a lifestyle for constant, motivating, and rewarding learning experiences. Increasing intelligence takes work, but it is simpler than you may think - and anyone can get smarter, no matter where you start from.

Andrea Kuszewski - Researcher, Therapist, and Science Writer at IEET
4:00 pm PDT Gamification to Drive Smart Energy Behaviors
Peter Shaw leads JD Power's specialized research and consulting practice in Smart Energy. Smart Energy covers the transformation of the energy customer experience, propelled by new Smart Grid technologies and other drivers. The most motivating service offering a utility can employ to incentivize energy management behavior change is a rewards program. Rewarding customers for using less of their product is revolutionary and it's happening. JD Power is preparing to launch new research on the application of gamfication concepts to motivate "smart energy engagement."Â Peter will review this research and describe some start-up companies and utility pilot programs that are testing different gamification models in energy.

Peter Shaw, Senior Director of JDPower
4:25 pm PDT Mozilla Open Badges: How to recognize everyday, everywhere, anytime learning
In today’s world, learning happens everywhere. This makes it difficult to gain recognition for skills and achievements acquired outside of traditional learning environments. Mozilla’s Open Badges is aimed at addressing this challenge by making it easier to issue, earn and display badges across the Web. The goal is to broaden understanding of 21st century skills, unlock career and educational opportunities, and help learners everywhere get ahead in their lives and work. In this session, the Mozilla Open Badges Product/Partner manager will provide an overview of their plan to position digital badges as a method for recognizing and verifying skills and helping learners share their achievements with employers, schools, colleagues, and community members. The session welcomes questions from the members of the audience.

Sunny Lee, Product/Partner Manager of Mozilla Open Badges
4:45 pm PDT Panel: The Gamification of Health: Driving Behavior Change and Outcomes
Halle Tecco, Founder and CEO of Rock Health
Robert Plourde, VP of Innovation and R&D at UnitedHealth Group
Rebecca Woodcock, CEO and Founder of Cake Health
Lance Henderson, CEO of Zamzee
5:10 pm PDT Gamification for Business: The Future of the Enterprise
Applying game design strategies to non-game, business environments requires a fundamental understanding of that business' objectives, digital touch points, and audiences. In this talk, join Badgeville and a Fortune 500 customer to explore how gamification is changing the face of the modern social enterprise. Learn how game mechanics, reputation mechanics, and social mechanics can be deployed across your website, mobile and enterprise applications to increase adoption of key technology investments as well as customer loyalty and engagement.

Kevin Akeroyd, Senior Vice President, Field Operations at Badgeville