Gamification Summit 2012
Start Time
: Thursday, June 21, 2012 09:00 AM  PST
End Time
: Thursday, June 21, 2012 04:00 PM  PST
: United States
: California
: San Francisco

Gamification is radically changing the way companies do business, driving unprecedented engagement with customers, employees and stakeholders. Find out how your organization and marketing strategy will be transformed through the power of engaging design, and leverage these powerful new techniques to exceed your goals and beat the competition. GSummit (June 19-21, San Francisco) is the only event that brings together leading thinkers in the gamification, loyalty and behavioral engineering space. At GSummit, you’ll experience best (and worst) practices, see new products & ideas, disseminate data, and inspire each other to create a more fun & engaging world. Join companies like Microsoft, Salesforce, United Airlines, NBC, Recyclebank and more to learn how you can get your business in the game.


9:00 am PDT Intro to Gsummit
Gabe Zichermann, GamificationCo
9:10 am PDT KEYNOTE: Engage Employees and Drive Innovation with Gamification
Work - how we do it, why we do it, and what's expected of us is changing in companies big and small and around the world. This change is being brought about by the growth of the millennial generation and the ever-increasing demands from employers for innovation, entrepreneurial thinking and outcomes. Using the concepts of gamification, innovative companies are re-imagining work - driving unprecedented engagement within teams and entire organizations. Come hear some of the startling insights and opportunities presented by these new techniques from one of the world's foremost experts on the future of work.

JP Rangaswami, Chief Scientist of
9:35 am PDT When Goals Become Games: Gamification as a Tool for Achieving More
Whether we like it or not, many of our toughest goals require grueling effort, difficult lifestyle changes and a great deal of persistence. However, because goals are purpose driven and complex, they're the perfect place to begin experimenting with self-gamification as a means to feel more motivated and engaged with life.

Learn how one person gamified his toughest goals, and how you can build your own gamification system from scratch (with as little as a pen and paper).

Jon Guerrera, CRM Coordinator at Lot18
10:00 am PDT Enterprise Gamification of Fitness: From 10% to over 75% Regular Workouts
Improved employee wellness would go a long way to reducing the tens of billions that US companies lose each year in productivity, health insurance premiums and impaired cognition. But efforts to get employee groups to exercise, eat right and take better care of themselves have mostly fallen flat, even when they're made mandatory. NextJump radically reimagined the process of employee wellness using gamification, and in the process have leveraged that knowledge to improve all aspects of the company's relationships - with employees and customers alike. Join this inspiring panel to understand how to motivate with well crafted incentives, and the lessons learned on the road to today's astonishing fact: over 75% of NextJump's employees work out regularly. How it came together will certainly surprise you.

Charlie Kim, CEO of Next Jump Inc.
10:25 am PDT Chamillionaire, Music Artist
11:10 am PDT Byron Reeves, Professor at Stanford
Details coming soon
11:35 am PDT Enterprise User Experience: Making Work Engaging at Oracle
Oracle Applications User Experience is getting into the game with research and design on how to gamify enterprise applications, such as the company's Fusion. Oracle's research with real users helped them change how they design applications to include game mechanics, increasing participation in communities, increasing productivity in workers and making work more engaging for all. Learn the research approaches, design patterns and examples that have made Oracle a leader in gamification of enterprise apps - and how you can make them work for your organization.

Erika Webb, User Experience Manager at Oracle
12:00 pm PDT Making Work Fun: Using Gamification Internally to Inspire Your Team, Enhance Culture and Build Better Products
In August of last year, RedCritter Tracker was launched to bring the fun and benefits of game mechanics to internal project management and software development. It's since achieved a cult following of development communities and companies who are now experiencing the results of gamification in the workplace. We'll look at how Matmi, a leading advergame developer, is using the gamified agile project management tool to inspire it's team, increase productivity, build culture, and at the end of the day, make better games.

Billy Rodgers, Chief Revenue Officer of RedCritter
12:15 pm PDT Panel: The Enterprise Gets Gamified: Lessons from the Front Line
Mario Herger, Senior Innovation Strategist at SAP Labs
Dannette Veale, Digital Engagements and Technology Strategist at Cisco
Tyler Altrup, Senior Social Media Engagement Manager at EMC Corporation
Adam Bosworth, CEO of Keas
1:30 pm PDT Sponsor Session 2
Details coming soon
2:00 pm PDT The Investment Case for Gamification: Opportunities and Threats in the Next Five Years
Gamification is reaching just about every industry imaginable because of how powerful it is but have you ever considered applying gamification to your investment portfoilio? Come see Tim Chang of the Mayfield Fund discuss gamification from an investment lens and learn about gamification from both an investor's and an entrepreneur's perspective. Explore what areas are hot, over crowded, and still untapped, while utilizing Tim's business models, target verticals, and even team building guidelines to maximize your gains with gamification.

Tim Chang, Managing Director at Mayfield Fund
2:25 pm PDT Gamifying Media: How Entertainment Brands are Redefining User Engagement
Jon Radoff, CEO of Disruptor Beam
2:50 pm PDT Banking to Government to Consumer Crowds: Experiences Building Innovative Games that Made a Difference
Gardner built innovation games to encourage bank tellers improve their bank, then took the same systems to government to get civil servants to drive next generation government. In this session he'll talk about how the lessons learned from those systems are driving a new innovation game designed for small crowds who want to make change.

James Gardner, Chief Strategy Officer at Spigit
3:15 pm PDT Engaging Influence
Klout is the standard for influence. Since 2008, Klout has been measuring people's influence on social networks and giving rise to a new class of influencers. From modeling the Klout Score, to +Ks and leaderboards, and "Klout bombing," Head of Product Chris Makarsky reviews Klout's vision of providing an objective view on a subjective concept, and how Klout aims to stay relevant and engaging.

Chris Makarsky, Vice President of Product at Klout
3:40 pm PDT Farewell

Gabe Zichermann, GamificationCo