Data-Driven Control: How to Design a Controller When Plant Model is Not Available
Education > Computer Science
Start Time
: Thursday, July 12, 2012 09:00 AM  EST
End Time
: Thursday, July 12, 2012 10:00 AM  EST

This webinar is offered at the following date/time(s):

12 Jul 2012 9:00 AM EDT

12 Jul 2012 2:00 PM EDT


In this webinar you will learn how to design and implement a PID controller when a plant model is not available. Through a DC motor control example, you will learn how to:

  • Apply input signals (voltage) to the motor and collect output (angular position) test data
  • Identify and validate linear and nonlinear plant models using multiple data sets
  • Design a linear controller based on the linear motor model and simulate its performance against the nonlinear model
  • Implement and test the controller on a target hardware platform

The webinar will specifically highlight the new Run on Target Hardware (RoTH) capability in Simulink in release R2012a that lets you run Simulink models directly on Arduino prototyping boards. The webinar will show how you can use this capability to easily collect input-output data using the Arduino board, and run the controller designed in Simulink on the Arduino board in real time.

Please allow approximately 60 minutes to attend the presentation and Q&A session.

About the Presenter: Pravallika Vinnakota is an Application Support Engineer with MathWorks. She has extensive experience with MATLAB and Simulink. Pravallika holds M.S. in Electrical Engineering with a major in Control Systems from University of Michigan, Ann Arbor.

Product Focus

  • Control System Toolbox™
  • Simulink Control Design™
  • System Identification Toolbox™